Showing posts with the label EntrepreneurshipShow all
"Success rate of Indian startups is higher than rest of the world" said
the commerce minister. -
EV on monthly subscription, by a Benguluru based startup. -
What is Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)? -
What is "SETU" initiative by GoI. -
Role of Small Scale Industries(SSI) in India. -
Social Responsibility and why it is important for modern businesses. -
BCG Matrix. -
SWOT Analysis explained. -
Branding and its Components. -
Green consumerism: New way of life -
How to spot a pyramid scheme. -
All you need to know about an Economic Recession. -
Need for switch from physical to human capital -
New era of socially responsible toys -
Jobs for the Future -
Skills of the Future -
School vs Workspace -
Segmenting a market? -
What is Leadership? -
How to find a job during the pandemic? -